Help Local Schools
As the idea of Smart Cow Yogurt Bar began swirling in our heads back in 2010, we knew one thing was certain: we would dedicate our family-owned business to helping local schools. We are making a difference in our own backyard, one school at a time, through our program we call Grassroots Tuesdays. Each Smart Cow shop regularly donates part of a day’s sales to a local school, and the schools use the funds in whatever ways best meet the needs of their students: textbooks, technology improvements, classroom supplies, teacher wish lists, field trips, even playground equipment. We want to help as many schools as we can, because we know how hard they work to make ends meet. Improving education is a big undertaking, but fortunately, eating great-tasting frozen yogurt isn’t. It’s easy to join our cause…come soon, and come often! Click on 'Grassroots Events' in our menu to see who we're helping!
Every time you visit, you help us continue on our mission to help neighborhood schools.